Keywords Index: Keywords “„023459abcdefghijklmnopqrsßtuvwxyzαF-Balance (1)facet joint (1)facial oedema (1)facilitation of statute of limitation (1)facility (1)faecal (1)faecal examination (1)faeces (7)failure (1)failure of passive transfer (1)falso nostrils (1)fan (1)fan-shaped re-inforcement (1)fan-shaped re-inforcement of the tip of the distal phalanx (1)Farbgewebedoppler (1)farrier (1)farriery (1)fasciotomy (1)fat (3)fat feeding (1)fatal (1)fatality (1)fatigue (2)fatty acids (2)fear (1)features (1)fecal flora (2)fecal sample analysis (1)fecal water analysis (1)fedding (1)feed (3)feed hygiene (2)feed hygienic (1)feed intake (2)feeding (47)feeding frequency (1)feeding management (2)feeding practice (2)feeding technique (1)feeding time (2)feedingHorse (1)feedstuff (2)feeling (1)feelings (1)feet (1)FEI (3)Fell Pony (1)felt shoes (1)femoral head (1)femoropatellar joint (3)femorotibial (1)femur (1)Fenbendazole (1)fenestration technique (1)fermentation (6)fermentative (1)fermented herbs (1)fertilily (1)fertility (20)fertility disorders (1)fertility disturbance (1)fetal (1)fetal abnormality (1)fetal abortions (1)fetal development (1)fetal gender determination (1)fetlock (4)fetlock joint (12)fetlock joint angle (1)fetlock support brace (1)fetlock tendon sheath (1)fetus (10)fever (3)FGID (1)fiber (1)fiber glass (1)fibre (1)fibre complete (1)fibre glass tissue (1)fibrin hydrogel (1)fibrinabhesive (1)fibrinogen (1)fibroma (1)fibrosarcoma (1)fibrosis (2)field conditions (2)field study (1)field testing (1)filaggrin (1)filtration (1)financial reason (1)finding (2)findings (2)finite element (1)first aid (2)first phalanx (1)first phalanx fracture (1)fissure (1)fistula (8)fistulography (1)FIT (functional in vitro test for sensitized type I allergiceffector cells) (1)fit to compete (1)fitness (3)fitness indicators (1)fixation (1)Flehmen reaction (1)flexibility (1)flexion (1)flexion test (1)flexion tests (1)flexor tendons (2)flexure deformities (1)flight (1)flora (1)flow (1)flow measurement (2)flow resistance (1)flow volume loop (1)flow-volume loops (1)flowcytometry (1)fluid (3)fluid balance (1)fluid flow (1)fluid status (1)fluid therapy (1)flumethasone (1)flunixin (1)flunixine (1)Flunixine Meglumine (1)fluorescein (1)fluoroscopy (1)fluphenazine (1)fluroxypyr (1)flying pace (1)FN (2)foal (119)foal heat (3)foal-heat (1)foaling injury (1)Foaling prediction (1)foaling rate (1)foals (6)focal obstruction (1)focussed shock-wave therapy (1)foensic (1)foetal well-being (1)foley-catheter (1)follicle fluid (1)follicle population (1)follicles (1)follicular development (1)follow up examination (1)follow-up (3)follow-up examination (1)food (5)food intake (3)food intoxication (1)foof (1)foot (4)footing (2)forage (3)force (1)force sensor (1)forceshoe (1)fore limb (2)forehead (1)foreign body (4)foreign body reaction (1)foreign horse passports (1)forensic (5)forensic medical examination (1)forensic medicine (1)forensic veterinary medicine (2)forensics (1)forensik (1)forging (1)form (1)form and distribution (1)formaldehyde (1)foster-mare (1)fractional excretion (1)fracture (23)Fracture aetiology (1)fracture fixation (1)fracture healing (1)fracture of the neck of the femur (1)fracture treatment (3)fractures (2)fragment (2)fragmentation (1)fraud (1)free fatty acids (2)free movement stable (1)free radical defences (1)free running stables (1)freies Kotwasser (1)frequency (4)fresh Frozen Plasma (1)Friesian horse (1)Friesian mares (2)fright (1)frog (1)front leg (1)front limb (8)frozen semen (2)fructan (3)fructans (1)fructo-oligosaccharides (1)fructo-oligosacharide (1)function (4)function areas (1)function test (1)functional (3)functional adaptation (1)functional anatomy (2)functional diagnostics (1)functional mor- phology (1)functional morphology (2)functional processes (1)functional sensitization of mast cells (1)fundus (2)fungi (3)further education and training of experts (1)Fütterung (1)